Walking The Path
Walking The Path Podcast
(Dys)functional Faith

(Dys)functional Faith

Wassup y’all

In today’s episode, I talk about a recent encounter I had with *dysfunctional* faith and what I learned from the experience. It’s levels to this! Give it a listen and drop a comment if this resonated.

Prompts for the week:
  • Where are you using faith as a bargaining chip to access something that’s not for you?

  • How can you utilize faith to get alignment with what *is* for you?

Check out/revisit the previous posts in the Functional Faith series to assist in answering these questions.

Walking The Path
Functional Faith
Listen now | What’s good y’all. It’s been a minute! I’ve been laser focused on creating content for y’all as well as other endeavors I have going on. As we gear up for May, as we approach this solar eclipse this Saturday (the last day of the month), as we get up everyday and work towards the future we want, we need to talk about two things: faith and functionality…
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Walking The Path
Functional Faith Pt. 2
Listen now (29 min) | Peace, y’all. This is part 2 of the Functional Faith series. I may come back and add some additional text, but the episode is pretty comprehensive. How is your Faith journey going? Drop a comment if this message resonated, even if it’s just a emoji 🙏🏿✨ As I said, I’m not working so if you wanna drop a love donation for my work, that would help me a lot…
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I love and appreciate y’all for being on this walk with me. Have an amazing week and a Happy Full Moon!

Walking The Path
Walking The Path Podcast
Spiritual insight and reminders for those who are just starting on their spiritual journey.