July Affirmations + Preparing for Blessings Formula
Happy Mercury day ☿ Let's start this month off right: by preparing for incoming blessings.
Wassup ya’ll
I hope you all are feeling as encouraged and excited about this July energy as I am. Summer is in full effect and we’re tearing through these months at a very fast pace - at least that’s how I’m experiencing spacetime, recently. Anyway, I wanted to go ahead and give ya’ll the affirmations I’m using to program the month of July. I also did a breakdown of each one and why I created/use it.
Check it out below:
As you can see, I started with conscious clearing of old habits, perspectives, and anything related to outdated programming. The process of clearing is continual, it’s never done because we are always evolving and needing to make room for updates. Conscious clearing for me has looked like venting to voice memos, deleting photos, recognizing patterns, and reflecting on the changes I have made and still need to make.
The next one is about being diligent in how I utilize the information, connections, currency, and items I have at my disposal. This involves being present. Not off in the future, planning ahead. Not stuck in the past, reflecting on what has been. While reflecting & planning are things I have to do; the past and future are spacetimes I need to visit, I must remember how important it is to occupy the now. It’s the only way I will know I am taking advantage of what I am blessed to have access to in this timeline. The tools and allies I’m surrounded by are integral pieces of the vehicle that will carry me into my future.
Next I affirm that I welcome opportunities to make heart-based decisions. This one may seem easy-breezy, but this is a major challenger. Because essentially, I’m asking God to put things in my path that make me choose: courage or fear. Ego or wisdom. Movement or stillness. No matter what the circumstance calls for, in my heart, I know what I need to do because God’s wisdom resides there. This affirmation is a way for me to greet these daunting times with a certain amount of autonomy. Plus, I think following your heart is easier to do when that’s what you always intended to do.
The fourth affirmation is about meeting our blessings with preparation and gratitude. This informs the previous affirmations. Before we get to the point where we can accept our blessings (and expect to make the most of them), we have to do the work of clearing out the old, diligently utilizing what we have at our disposal, and being grateful for the great things we know are coming our way. This puts us in prime position to not just have the blessing, but be in a space to protect & manage it as well. If we don’t want no fairweather blessings, we can’t be fairweather stewards. That means we have to be prepared and even when things are taking longer than we want, we have to maintain our position so that when blessings arrive, we ain’t gotta get ready cause we stayed ready.
The next affirmation is focused on receiving. Allowing ourselves to receive the support we need can be a huge game-changer. We all have our reasons for being guarded. We don’t want to be put in precarious situations. We don’t want to be disappointed. Because then we have to contend with something else to heal from. However, by implementing and embodying the previous affirmations, I’ve learned better who I can trust & how much I can trust them. I’ve learned when to wait for resources better suited to me. I’ve learned disappointment won’t kill me. And by me taking the risk of putting my guard down, speaking up about what I need, how I feel, what I’m dealing with…I’ve become stronger.
And finally, the last affirmation is about how when we grow and get stronger, we’re in a better position to help others. This coupled with the previous one is big 6 of Pentacles energy. I think of myself as a plant: when I’m rooted in who I am and what is best for me, when I am healthy, when I am supported in my environment, I am in the best position to supply others with nourishment and vibrancy and all the things I naturally produce as a result of being myself. Accepting support isn’t just about what you as an individual deserve. It’s a necessary component of you being able to contribute in the ways you were made to. Just like people need support when they walk in high heels, you will need support to walk in your purpose. You will need support to elevate and grow.
I hope this newsletter can be a form of support for you as you take on this month and the second half of the year.
If you gained anything from this and have the means, donations would be greatly appreciated at this time. I’m putting my affirmation in action and welcoming the support I need. Find my pay links here: https://linktr.ee/kamilashakur